Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

The Knowledge Mechanism

Very recently I was asked whether I was taking courses in psychology, as some of the last blog posts (Long-term memory, Cognitive Load Theory, their relation to learning) became very heavy on this topic. The micro-blog answer on this is: No, would love to, so damn "importresting" for KM.
Let's compare the use of schemata with the Knowledge Mechanism (as I had written it down 2 years ago, when I had no clue about schemata):

The Knowledge Mechanism identifies three phases: The creation of a knowledge asset, the creation of a super knowledge assets from many knowledge assets by refinement and the hardening of a super knowledge assets into a process, the industrialization.

The creation of a knowledge asset* is an interplay between the individual contributor and the collective feedback, it comprises the initial creation of the knowledge asset by the indiviual and the revision of the knowledge asset via  the following steps: Problem formulation (hypothesis) (individual), Verification / falsification (collective), Case solution documentation (individual), Feedback (collective), Solution revision (individual).
Interesting to note that the creation of a Knowledge Assets is not an individual contribution, but a interplay of individual and collective contributions. In the early days of KM (too) much focus was on the individual contribution, which resulted in rubish data bins and no collective contribution. The mind just forgets about these contributions.
The refinement comprises the collection of several knowledge assets on a knowledge topic and the aggregation of the essence of the knowledge assets into a super knowledge asset**.
For these super knowledge assets all of the discussion on Best vs Good Practices apply. In psychology this is called a "schema".
The industrialization is formalizing the super knowledge asset into a process, comprissing estabishment, communication and life cycle management.
This is where the effeciency gain materializes, but also here effectiveness must avoid blind copy/paste and crucify innovation.
*The concept of a knowledge asset materializes in Ericsson in a KO (knowledge object)
**examples of super knowledge assets are a KO that refines a forum thread, or a Best Practice might also been seen as a super knowledge asset.

Finally, my favourite: Only the complete knowledge mechanism qualifies a learning organization.
You decide for your organization, how far you have come.

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